Is there a best time of year to renovate your home?  Seasonal changes can significantly impact the cost, efficiency and overall experience of your renovation. Factors like weather, supply chain, labour costs and demand can all play a role.

Whether you’re looking to update a single room or undertake a major overhaul, it’s helpful to understand the pros and cons of renovation in each season to ensure your renovation is as smooth and successful as possible.



Winter can be a good time for home renovations, primarily because contractors tend to be less busy and often offer better deals. With it being the off-peak season, you’ll find that more contractors are available and ready to take on projects. This season is particularly suitable for smaller jobs such as interior design work, bathroom remodels or even internal structural work. Plus, if you’re actively involved in the project, it can provide an exciting focus during the dull winter days.


However, winter also comes with significant drawbacks. The Christmas holidays can cause lots of delays and disruptions, making it a particularly challenging time for major renovations. Cold and wet weather can lead to further delays and complications. These weather-related delays can sometimes put a higher price on materials like bricks and cement, potentially increasing the overall cost of your project.



Spring is a very popular time for home renovations due to its mild weather. The moderate temperatures and less severe weather conditions create the best environment for construction work. This season is perfect for outdoor projects, such as garden renovations or multi-storey extensions. Starting a renovation in spring can sometimes means completing it by summer, allowing you to enjoy the results during the warmest months. The clocks going forward also means longer days and more daylight hours compared to winter.


However, spring’s popularity means that contractors get booked up early, so planning ahead is crucial. The high demand for tradespeople can also lead to increased costs. Additionally, spring showers can disrupt outdoor work, such as laying bricks, which requires stable conditions to ensure the walls remain secure.



Summer offers many advantages for home renovations. The longer, warmer days allow for extended working hours, making it an excellent time for outdoor work, exterior painting, landscaping and extensions. If you’re living in your home during renovation, summer is ideal for upgrading central heating and boilers. The typically dry weather helps keep materials dry, maintains the structural integrity of your home and aids in drying jobs like replastering. Summer is also a great season for kitchen renovations.


However, summer can be an extremely busy time for tradespeople, who may be juggling multiple jobs and managing time off. School holidays can interfere with the renovation schedule and require additional childcare arrangements. The high demand for tradespeople can also result in higher costs. Additionally, extreme heat can sometimes pose challenges for workers and materials, although this hasn’t too much of an issue in the UK for the past couple of summers.



Some consider Autumn to be the best time of year for home renovation due to cooler temperatures and reduced demand for contractors. The season allows you to prepare your home for winter with projects like glazing upgrades or installations. Materials are often easier to source in autumn compared to the busy summer period, helping to streamline the renovation process.


Autumn does have its downsides, however. The approach of winter means shorter days and more unpredictable weather. After the clocks go back in October, the reduced daylight hours can add limitations.

Other Things to Consider

There are a number of other factors that will affect the timeline and efficiency of your build, beyond the seasons. While some of these factors are beyond your control, there are measures you can take to prevent delays or manage those that do occur.

Weather Conditions: Although seasons can provide a general idea of the weather, it remains unpredictable and doesn’t always align with seasonal expectations, especially in the UK. Some summers have been rainy and chilly, while some autumn and springs have been unusually warm and dry. Extreme weather conditions, such as storms or snow, can cause significant supply delays and disrupt your renovation schedule.

Planning Permission Delays: Obtaining planning permission can be a lengthy process, often taking 2 to 4 months depending on the project’s complexity or size. If your request is rejected, you’ll need to work with your architect to make necessary changes and appeal to the planning inspector. Changes in planning policy can also cause delays as council staff may need to review applications under new guidelines. Poor quality drawings or maps can lead to further delays during the checking stage. Moreover, getting permission relies on the planning department seeking advice from a wide range of people and organisations, which can extend the timeline.

Supply Chain Disruptions: Severe or unpredictable weather, natural disasters, accidents and physical injuries can cause significant delays. The lingering effects of the pandemic, such as labour and skill shortages, can also impact the timeline. High demand and labour/material shortages can further disrupt your renovation plans.

Planning: Taking a realistic approach to timing is crucial. It’s important to allow for unforeseen delays and ensure that you have a well-coordinated team with excellent communication between the construction and design teams to ensure a project success.

Budget Management: Having a comprehensive budget is equally important. This budget should account for all aspects of the project, including unexpected costs (a contingency of around 10-20% is ideal). Being realistic and thorough about potential expenses can help prevent financial shortcomings that might cause delays in your renovation project.

Thinking about extending? Need some advise? Contact Build Team today and embark on a seamless journey to transform your home with our expertly guided and comprehensive extension.