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Build Team

Latest News: Build Team is recycling unused paint

Build Team is recycling unused paint

Build Team believes in waste minimisation, that's why we are actively involved in recycling and re-use of paint.
Re-use of paint is an extremely novel solution in UK to the problem of left over paint.
Did you know that annually over 300 million litres of paint are sold in the UK to the DIY market and to trade decorators. Approximately 37.5 million litres of DIY and 2.5 million litres of trade paint remain unused and there could be as much as 100 million litres of paint stored in homes across the UK. The paint tends to be stored and then disposed of in landfill sites.
We work closely with Community Re Paint, a company unique in Britain and probably in Europe.
In 2009 the Community RePaint national network:
• saved 313,235 litres of paint, donated by householders and businesses, going to waste

• with a market value of over £1.25 million

• redistributed over 200,000 litres of paint to community groups, charities, voluntary organisations and people in social need.

For more information please visit Community Re Paint website

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